

“Catch-22” refers to a paradoxical situation where an individual cannot avoid a problem because of contradictory constraints or rules. It describes a no-win scenario where the solution to a problem is impossible due to the very nature of the problem itself.

Detailed Explanation


  • Catch: A tricky or difficult situation.
  • 22: Refers to the novel “Catch-22” by Joseph Heller, which introduced the concept. In the novel, a bomber pilot is considered insane if he willingly continues to fly dangerous missions, but if he requests to be removed from duty for insanity, his request indicates that he is sane and therefore ineligible to be relieved from duty.
Catch 22 lesson 1 What is the meaning of Catch-22 situation?


This phrase implies a situation where one is trapped by contradictory rules or conditions, making it impossible to achieve a desired outcome.

Examples in Context:

  • Job Search:
    • Scenario: Needing experience to get a job, but needing a job to get experience.
    • Phrase Usage: “It’s a catch-22 when they require experience for entry-level positions. You need a job to get experience, but you need experience to get a job.”
  • Military Service:
    • Scenario: A soldier is trying to get discharged from duty due to insanity.
    • Phrase Usage: “In the novel ‘Catch-22,’ the soldier faces a catch-22: if he applies for discharge due to insanity, it proves he is sane enough to stay.”
  • Legal System:
    • Scenario: Trying to get a permit that requires proof of something that the permit itself is supposed to allow.
    • Phrase Usage: “Getting the business license was a catch-22. They needed proof of operation, but they couldn’t operate without the license.”


  • Dilemmas: Describing situations with no viable solutions due to contradictory requirements.
  • Complex Problems: Highlighting the frustration of dealing with impossible conditions.

The phrase “Catch-22” emphasizes a no-win situation caused by conflicting rules or conditions. It originates from Joseph Heller’s novel “Catch-22,” where the protagonist faces a bureaucratic paradox. In everyday use, it describes scenarios where logical solutions are blocked by inherent contradictions, leading to frustration and inaction.

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